Sunday, April 28, 2013

Four Corners Indian Country Preparations

We're planning to leave in a few days for about a month wandering around the Four Corners area. It's where the four states of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado all come together at one point. Although these state boundaries are an artificial landmark created by land surveyors, the general area itself is the current home of several important American Indian tribes, such as, the Navajo, Zuni, and Hopi. It's also a region rich in the many cultures who lived here over the centuries. In fact, this area is so rich in archeology that as many as 100 sites per square mile can be found.

Following along our usual travel plans, we've started off by identifying specific points of interest we'd like to see. Of course time will tell how many we'll actually make it to as well as how many unplanned sites we discover along the way. The following Google Map shows our initial plans:

View Indian Country Points of Interest in a larger map

Yes - of course we also have guide books and maps. You might be asking yourself, why do we collect these "old school" paper informational resources.  The simple fact of the matter is WiFi and/or cell connectivity is iffy at best in the general region. Connectivity is probably better than on our trip to Alaska, but that's not saying much. For Indian Country specifically, here are the best references:
Great guidebook available via Amazon
Also available via Amazon

At AAA or Amazon

Of course, individual state maps and guide books are also helpful to have handy (sure glad we're paid up on our AAA membership):

AAA Tour Books

AAA maps

Finally, there's recreational reading to bring along as well... although many of these books are also available in electronic versions, the nice thing about paper is you don't need to charge batteries or have electricity.
... or just about any book by Tony Hillerman

Peter's bringing this one

... or any others by Elmore Leonard

So that's about all folks. Right now we're hoping we:
  1. don't forget anything important, 
  2. don't encounter any major disasters along the way, and 
  3. do come home safely, filled with tales of our adventures.
Me in the Queen's Chair with Checkers and Toby


  1. Marti - thanks for the update . . . we are looking forward to more and frequent updates! Is the there "King's chair" for Peter? Happy Trails!! Cork

    1. Hey Cork.... so good to hear from you.
      You betcha (said in my best Sarah Palin voice) there's a King's chair for Peter!

      Looking forward to catching up with you all on your way back from Burning Man.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Four corners is a wonderful place. Canyon de Chelley is our favorite. If you can spend a little time around Truth or Consequences New Mexico. It is a spa area and health resort. My uncle doug henry used to own the town of T.C.
    As far as I know there is a long standing protestation at the 4 corners power plant. It is really hard to get within miles of the power plant, but i believe there are still a group of Native Americans demonstrating the existence of the coal fired plant on Indian Land. Worth digging into. Happy trails. A week and a half after getting home from Playa Grande Costa Rica, I caught pneumonia and almost died. I picked a bug up here in oregon. I thought maybe that i had gotten Malaria. dont get pneumonia. it is like the flu on steroids. this is a great time of year to travel the four corners. Capital Reef was also a great for us to visit. bien viaje. pura vida. aloha. gregorio

    1. Hi Gregory...

      Wow - what an un-welcome home to Oregon. At least you had a wonderful trip to Costa Rica.

      YES- we plan to spend some time in Canyon de Chelley and are even talking about hiring a Navajo guide to see some of the more interesting ruins.

      Take care of yourself - maybe we'll see you again at Belknap?

      Pura Vida!

  4. Looking forward to more virtual travel! Peter's book looks good; let me know if it really is.

    1. Will do... Let us know when you come across any good books as well.


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Retired and enjoying life.