Saturday, December 26, 2015

Jalama 2015

We had such a good time on last year's Jalama camping trip, we reserved the same group site and are back again this year.
John & Kendall are seconds ahead of us

Peter sets up a shade screen over a picnic table

After camp is set up, it's time to party.
Suzy & Sandy toast with Margaritas

Cork gives a victory sign

Jamie & Suzy boogie to the music

There's still enough light in the day for our first beach walk.
Friends and dogs frolic on the beach as the last of the day's Amtrak train heads south

By the time we get back to camp, the sun has disappeared below the horizon.
The Jalama camp cat on night watch

Jalama at dusk

 Last rays reflect on our RV

Time for pupus, drinks and dinner.

The dinner rush is on

The morning fog is burning off  before most people are even up

After breakfast, everybody gears up for fun day in the sun.
Cork takes David's segway for a spin

Jamie's off to surf & looking for trouble

and David's got his surf ski

The rest of us hit the beach for a long morning walk

Reflections of friends & dogs

Cathy captures a nice beach shot

John and Kendall stroll along the water's edge

The afternoon is for relaxing. While the dogs snooze, I wander next door to a camp next door with group of guys. They have some sort of a trophy that I can't quite make out.  Turns out they are old friends who have been coming to Jalama in October ever since they were students at UC  Santa Barbara.  Each year they create  some outrageous stunt as a contest. Whomever pulls of the stunt, is awarded the trophy for the year 'til next year's contest.

On closer inspection, I see the trophy is crowned by a set of chrome testicles. Huh? They laugh and explain that one year an obnoxious local was camped next to them. Since the guy was a bit of a jerk, the challenge for that year was to steal the chrome balls off of his jacked truck. Needless to say, the heist was successful and the chrome balls became the crowning glory of the trophy. "Oh," I responded, " so now you guys compete for the Grande Cojones trophy!" They all laughed and said I had just given their trophy it's name.

We never found out what the challenge was for 2015 or who won, but at least I got a fun photo and a great story. Who knows? Maybe we'll run into them again next year.
A crashed Checkers

Me with the "Grande Cojones" trophy

Mary doesn't want to nap

Sandy, Suzy and Cono kick back

David chills in the shade

while a lizard suns on a rock

A full moon rises that evening over the camp.  Much to our surprise it is surrounded with a bright ring signaling a change in the weather.

It's a perfect evening for gathering around a campfire to sign songs (even if none of us can ever remember the lyrics), drink, and tell stories.

The next morning it appears some of us may have had a little too much fun the previous evening.
Kendall & Drina start breakfast

Smells good!

Uhhh - more coffee??

After breakfast, Jamie sets out his bean bag game and the contest is on.
Peter lets one fly

Kendall demos great form

This round looks like a draw

For some strange reason, Jamie always seems to win. Maybe it's because he has more practice or more creative at keeping score?
Suzy and Kendall watch on the sidelines

While Peter hangs out with the houndz

The ring around the full moon was right as the morning is foggier and cooler than the day before.

So what? Time to hit the beach to play with David's segway and find rocks.
You all ready?

Perfect figure 8

Peter tries to climb a dune

Finally the fog lifts and we all head off

Since nobody feels like cooking on our last night, we all order the famous and gigantic Jalama Hamburgers at the camp store.
Surf sticker art collage


Jamie waits for his order

Then it's time to watch the our last sunset at Jalama for the year.
The usual suspects

Friends watching sunset - life at it's best

... until we meet again next year!

The 2015 Jalama Mamas & Papas


  1. Great job! Thanks for sharing! Sorry I missed it.

    1. Thanks Udo...

      Kendall showed me your photos of Jalama from this year and they were WOW!

      Hopefully, we can all make it together again in October 2016

  2. Sure looks like a beautiful peaceful place for a camp-out. What fun, thanks for sharing.


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Retired and enjoying life.