Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Potomac Falls, VA

During our wanderings around DC, we've been staying with Peter's nephew Jonathan and his wife Tracey who live in Potomac Falls, VA not far from the Great Falls of the Potomac.
Great Falls of the Potomac

Their neighborhood fascinates me because the homes are so different than those in California. 
Jonathan's & Tracey's street

and their home.

Many of these homes are built entirely of bricks or have extensive brick facades, which are both big no-nos in California because of earthquakes.

Being mid October, many of the neighbors have decorated their homes in Halloween themes. Of course there are lots of pumpkins, ghosts and goblins to greet future Trick-or-Treaters.

My favorite part about this neighborhood is its easy access to hiking trails that branch off their street and run alongside the Potomac River.
Enzo, Jill and Mark's dog, catches up with us

Nice paved trail

winds along a stream that flows into the Potomac River

Although it's a beautiful day and the river is calm, the banks tell a much different story of raging floods dumping all kinds of debris along the side of the banks.
Exploring the debris left by previous floods

Hard to image the floods on a day like this

The mighty Potomac

We have thoroughly enjoyed our trip to DC even though we missed lots of places we'd still like to see. Looks like we'll have to return another time... maybe springtime when the cherry blossoms are blooming?
Farewell to Fall in DC area

1 comment:

  1. Makes me nostalgic for Paul and my trip to the West Coast <3 Mahalo


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Retired and enjoying life.